Saturday, May 24, 2008

more work to be done...

Have I really not posted anything for 2 weeks?!?

Last weekend and the few days preceding it was the first of hot weather (over 90 degrees) so I went to the garden nearly every day to make sure that the recently planted tomatoes and peppers would survive (not to speak of the seeds). [Note: the peppers I reported planting are "Banana" and "Nardello's", both sweet, the aubergine is "Ichiban"]

I also missed the garden clean-up on the 10th but was told afterwards that the plots on my side of the garden had been measured out wrong - mine was about 1' shorter but on the other hand nearly 1' wider. It's all to do with being able to fit a wheelbarrow down the main path but unfortunately (or luckily) I already had planted strawberries there. So they decided to exclude me for this year from that "law".

Of course, this being the Pacific Northwest, the few days of heat and sunshine were followed by buttloads of rain and cold temperatures. At least I didn't have to water anymore.

Just went out today to clear the path next to my plot, to make it easier for me to walk around my realm. It's really a shame, the plot next to me has not been taken up so the weeds are knee-high. I wonder if they have reassigned it yet...

Surprisingly not too many weeds considering, and the sprouting broccoli is doing really well. There are even little heads appearing. Collards and the shoots of the potatoes have appeared. Strawberries looking good (although with 5 plants I'm only getting a handful), trying to keep the slugs away from the fruit by sprinkling coffee grounds around them - will report if those little buggers get to them despite this measure. No sign of carrots. *sigh*

Still a little bit too cold to plant beans and zucchini but soon! But found this cool soil temperature map, that even has a 5-day forecast per region. It should be ok for the beans at least next weekend.

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