Saturday, March 1, 2008

Putting the community into gardening

Part of the "contract" for keeping a community garden plot is, obviously, to keep it maintained and living peacefully alongside other gardeners. Another stipulation is that at least 6 hours per year have to be spent on helping with work parties, garden projects or related events. I guess that is the community part of the community garden.

There is a list of projects for which you can volunteer as the registration form is completed. For example, you can help out in the office during the day, help with city-wide projects or work in the own garden space to help out other gardeners. I finally decided to be a City Garden Fair and a Produce for People volunteer. Perhaps I should have done a bit of research into both before making my choices but in the giddiness of getting a community garden I forgot.

So let's do a bit of digging (great gardening metaphor!):
  • The City Garden Fair seems to be held at the Portland Farmers Market in September and involve some sort of growing competition. Actually sounds like quite a lot of fun and not so much like volunteering! I could be wrong though....
  • Produce for People is more "worthy". Produce in your plot that exceeds your own needs (or your friends' needs - think zucchini gluts!) are collected and given to local food banks. A great way to get fresh vegetables to people who may not be able to afford them otherwise. There may also be some teaching component to help people to start growing some of their own food.
I really like the idea behind both projects, luckily. I will no doubt mention them again as I go on.

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